Prague Stringology Conference 2015

Mhaskar Neerja and Michael Soltys

A Formal Framework for Stringology

A new formal framework for Stringology is proposed, which consists of a three-sorted logical theory S designed to capture the combinatorial reasoning about finite words. A witnessing theorem is proven which demonstrates how to extract algorithms for constructing strings from their proofs of existence. Various other applications of the theory are shown. The long term goal of this line of research is to introduce the tools of Proof Complexity to the analysis of strings. A new formal framework for Stringology is proposed, which consists of a three-sorted logical theory S designed to capture the combinatorial reasoning about finite words. A witnessing theorem is proven which demonstrates how to extract algorithms for constructing strings from their proofs of existence. Various other applications of the theory are shown. The long term goal of this line of research is to introduce the tools of Proof Complexity to the analysis of strings.

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